Tuesday 9 August 2011

And Now for Something Completely Different!

As I have stated in one past posting, I am not above wanting to buy PLASTIC REPLICAS of 18th century French decorative products, such as the Syroco rendition of an overmantle complete with mirror, plastic molded "carving" and "golden gilding" in the French manner, seen and coveted at a local auction house. If I had had the wall space at home, it would be here now! I know that I would love living with it: not because it looked like the real thing - because it sort-of did - but because I got such a kick out of knowing that it was NOT the real thing. It was just a plastic pastiche and I loved it because of that very thing.

I have plenty of company when it comes to cherishing and wanting to give a home to furnishings that lack polished pedigree. One fellow traveller is Mary Randolph "Carter" Berg.

I know that her latest book: A Perfectly Kept House is the Sign of a Misspent Life, has been praised by every design groupie since it came out in 2010. I want to add my name to the list of design groupies who love this book.

Here are some of the pictures that really stand out for me - from "Carter's" own living situation:

So there you have it. Get the book and study it. You will see in those pictures, the results of people who really understand the power of design.  

A Perfectly Kept House is the Sign of a Misspent Life. Pictures and text by Mary Randolph Carter.

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